Monthly Archives: August 2011

Fright Night (2011)

Fright Night!­­­­ Vampires and blood, blood and vampires! If a vampire movie doesn’t have tons of blood in it, it’s a piece of crap and I want no part of it. Thankfully, Fright Night has both and is quite a good little flick.
Fright Night’s main dude, Charley (Anton Yelchin) gets a new, hot neighbor, Jerry […]

Terrifying movie sequels that await us in the future

Ernest Borgnine’s Colon- A Smell-o-Vision Adventure! (narrated by Morgan Freeman) Lee Harvey Oswald: The Adventure Begins Pinhead vs. Pumpkinhead vs. Howdy Doody Basic Instinct: Interrogation Techniques. Even though Sharon Stone’s interrogation scene at age 73 is even racier than the famous scene in the original film, that’s not what disturbs people most about this movie. […]