Monthly Archives: April 2010

Movie Chicks on Action Flicks: Kick-Ass (2010)

Site: Action Flick Chick
Post: Spoiler Free SXSW Review: Kick-Ass (2010)
by Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill (@ActionChick): “Hell yes!!!! I am glad to see that someone finally has big enough balls to create a 12-year-old female character that curses like a sailor and can kick a grown man’s ass in 2 seconds flat.”
Site: Action Flick Chick
Post: Spoiler: […]

South By Southwest premiere of KICK-ASS

During South By Southwest ‘09 (otherwise known as SXSW to the initiated, or Secskwuh to anyone reading the letters) I had the exquisite pleasure of attending the premiere of none other than Kick-Ass! Starring Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chloe Moretz, Nicolas Cage, and Clark Duke, Kick-Ass is the tale of a wanna-be superhero in a […]

Zombie Week 2010? Zombies vs. Vampires – Round 2!

Continued from:
Zombies vs. Vampires – Round 1 
Before Halloween, we had a great discussion on the topic of “Zombies vs. Vampires,” any aspect. In anticipation of Fangirltastic sci-fi sister site’s Zombie Week 2010, the Action Flick Chick stockpiled weapons, fortified the perimeter, and raised the topic again. But hold the phone! Pink Raygun skipped Zombie Week this year because they’re […]