Monthly Archives: February 2010

Die Hard 5: Only the Good Die Hard and Harderer than Ever Already with More Vengeances, Viagra, New Cars, Zombies, Fries, and a Yippie-Ki-Yay Mother-Icee with Shia LeBeouf

“I think we’re going to do a Die Hard 5 next year,” Bruce Willis told MTV’s Josh Horowitz, while noting that no firm details have been established.
The Action Flick Chick has reviewed the first two films in the chronicles of John McClane, Die Hard (fake terrorists in a building) and Die Hard 2: Die Harder […]

Interview: Monsterplex Artist David Schlotterback (Zuda Competitor)

Early this month we spoke with SuperFogeys creator Brock Heasley about another comic he has written, Monsterplex, a comedic entry in DC Comics’ February Zuda competition. Monsterplex was #1 at the time. Island Alone has moved into first place, but Monsterplex is running strong. So this week we asked Brock’s Monsterplex artist Dave Schlotterback about the whole process.
Monsterplex […]

Carrie (1976)

Another chick who doesn’t want flowers for Valentine’s Day is Carrie White. This telekinetic young girl will protect herself and exact revenge on anyone who messes with her. Well, she might actually want some flowers and a maybe a kind word or two, but instead gets a lifetime of terrorizing by her classmates AND her […]