Monthly Archives: May 2009

Whalecrash: Catnip Stash

From Kneon Transitt: “Whalecrash! is an experimental constrained webcomic created with Twitter. The dialog is tweeted via @whalecrash and pulled into the strip itself. This way I can create a new strip on the fly whenever the mood strikes me, and from anywhere… New art every week, new dialog several times per day. Oh, the humanity!”

Marvelous! Vs. Capcom 2, too!

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 will be making a triumphant return as a downloadable game for all to enjoy. Now, I am what some might describe as a video game packrat. I almost never get rid of a game, and I mean freakin’ almost never. My thought is always “What if I want to play it later?” The same applies to Marvel vs. Capcom 2.