Monthly Archives: October 2008

Blog-It Llama! Pointless Paranoia

Some weird stuff is going on with Iron Man 2’s casting. Terrance Howard is being replaced by Don Cheadle and apparently he had no idea. Called it a “shock of a lifetime”. So this wasn’t about him wanting more money or anything like that. This makes me pretty sad for the guy considering the fact that he was super pumped about the movie at Comic-Con 2007. Marvel is full of some jerks.

Pretty (Stupid) in Pink

Pretty (Stupid) in Pink
Blizzcon rockets forward this week, and already the news from them is earth-shaking. They’ve unveiled a new class for Diablo III, the Wizard, a time-bending master of all things arcane. Sounds pretty tasty. Street Fighter IV is getting some characters that are exclusive to the home consoles, one of whom is…wait for […]

Meet the Mage!

Well folks, the new patch is hot around the corner, with promises of a sample spoon of the glorious ice cream that is Northrend. We’re gonna cram in some news on the classes as much as we can, until it becomes old news when 3.0.2 hits. Until then, it is time for you, dear reader, […]