Category Archives: Uncategorized

D&D vs. Video Games

With the proliferation of the Internet and gaming headsets, playing any kind of multi-player game becomes a social experience. While I believe D&D has the edge socially because you play it face-to-face, not side-by-side in front of a TV or screen-to-screen online, the game does have the disadvantage of being dependent on the players and the Dungeon Master to create a meaningful experience. If the social chemistry isn’t there, then D&D probably isn’t much fun. Even if you don’t like your fellow players in a game like World of Warcraft, you could still end up slaying a monster and getting the loot you wanted.

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Interview: The Thunderchickens (Zuda Comic Competitors Chad Boudreau and William Blankenship)

Thunderchickens_avatarWe’ve spoken with various competitors in DC Comics’ monthly competition to win a year-long contract with their online Zuda Comics division. A number of those we interviewed went on to win their respective months. We’ve also shared the pain of some great ones who barely lost, and have talked to others because we felt their specific work would hold the most relevance for the Rocket Llama audience regardless of how they rated with Zuda’s readers. […]