Monthly Archives: January 2011

The Mechanic (2011)

It’s been a while since I’ve linked a song with a movie so here you go. Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) and almost every male in The Mechanic can best be summarized by Paula Abdul’s song “Cold Hearted.” For those of you who aren’t cool like me and don’t know the song, these are the lyrics […]

Highlander: Reunion (2008) starring Peter Wingfield, Jim Byrnes, Elizabeth Gracen

Over the last 25 years, Highlander (1986) starring Christopher Lambert has spawned three utterly incompatible theatrical sequels (Highlander 2: The Quickening, Highlander: The Final Dimension, Highlander: Endgame) along with a TV series, comic books, novels, a cartoon, and one more sequel, the bad, bad, bad, oh so bad, straight-to-SyFy Highlander: The Source. Little did I know the TV series’ supporting […]