Monthly Archives: November 2008

Fallen Heroes

A brand spankin’ new Watchmen trailer dropped this week. I have to say, I wasn’t particularly interested in The Watchmen before this, but the trailer just grabbed me. The previous trailers were in more of a teaser style, relying on your knowledge (or lack of knowledge) to draw you in; this new trailer hints at […]

Alex’s Little Known Exploits

Alex’s Little Known Exploits
Although you dear readers often get to hear our thoughts here at Rocket Llama, you don’t often get to hear about us, the Rocket Llama Ground Crew. I have compiled a list of facts about myself for you loyal folks to peruse and enjoy.
– Super Mario Bros. 3 is based loosely on […]

James Bond is a Sociopath

The highly anticipated flick Quantum of Solace, the sequel to the recent Bond reboot uber-movie Casino Royale, drops tonight. Now, I am about to commit what some might consider cinematographic blasphemy: I was never all that into James Bond flicks. Sure, I played the utter bajeezus out of Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64, enough to […]