Monthly Archives: July 2008

Hands on with Force Unleashed

Incoming from Comic-Con: “Force Unleashed” as everyone has called it, was a fantastic. The demo was very different from my time with Dead Space. Instead of the one-on-one experience of you and the booth-worker inside a secluded area from the convention, it was you and the booth-worker and a large crowd of people in middle of the exhibition hall. When I would brutally kill a Stormtrooper, people would cheer. It was exhilarating.

Hands on with Dead Space

Incoming from Comic-Con: I got some hands-on time with Dead Space for the 360. It was interesting because the booth was set up in a way that your turn with the demo only ended when you died. For most people it was five minutes. I managed to last fifteen. This wasn’t my first time to delve in the pits of Resident Evil 4/Bioshock hell. This was my kind of game for so many reasons.